Vincent G. Quan is currently Assistant Chair of the Fashion Business Management (FBM) Department at the Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY in New York and former Department Chair of FBM at FIT SUNY Korea (Songdo, South Korea). He earned his Master of Business Administration Degree in Management from Empire State College (SUNY) Magna Cum Laude and an accelerated Bachelor of Science Degree at New York University’s Stern School of Business.
Professor Quan is also a globally renowned expert in the Business of Fashion and shares his expertise with journalists and students alike. In 2023, Professor Quan was the Keynote Speaker for the Global Fashion Forum held in Seoul, South Korea during Seoul Fashion Week. In addition, he delivered a presentation at the Seoul International Jewelry & Accessories Show held in Seoul that same year.
He was a Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) of “Shop Girls to Show Girls: Teaching Resources on New York’s Working Class for Community College Students,” a research project funded by National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).
Furthermore, he also received funding from an FIT faculty development grant for conducting research at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University in Hangzhou, China on the current state and processes of the Made in China (MIC) 2025 Smart Manufacturing initiatives mandated by the Chinese government.